Sunday, November 18, 2007

Hillary Clinton on terrorism in Sri Lanka

I saw this a while back but never got around to blogging about it.

Ms. Clinton seems to think that some types of terrorism is acceptable. In particular, I'm annoyed because she seems to think that what the LTTE has been doing in Sri Lanka is acceptable.

WTF?? Has she been on drugs in the last 20 years? LTTE has killed villages full of people from the 80s and the world said "nahh, they're fighting for their rights." They bombed civilian sites, religious sites and economic sites (including our central bank in an attack which was comparable proportionately to the infamous 9-11 attacks).

Until 9-11 the US, Europe and many countries ignored the LTTE and effectively supported them. India supported them, trained them back in the 80s .. until they came back and killed 1500+ Indian troops in Sri Lanka in the late 80s and then killed Rajiv Gandhi. Does she not know that the LTTE leader is convicted of having killed Mr. Gandhi?

Ms. Clinton must be proud that the LTTE site has a reference to it as a way of justifying themselves. Maybe she doesn't know that the US State Department just froze the assets of the TRO an NGO which is funneling funds to the LTTE.

I cannot stand the right wing mania that is driving the Republican party in the US, but getting someone in the Oval Office who thinks that some types of terrorism is ok is far worse for the world and will do more damage than the wonderful Mr. Dubyah has done.

Tamil people in Sri Lanka do have absolutely legitimate reasons to be unhappy with the status quo. I'm a firm believer in some type of decentralized federal political structure for Sri Lanka - all people in Sri Lanka need it! However, LTTE's approach is not the way to get there.

Terrorism is a disease. Eradicating it has to be a global fight and not a fight where one country helps someone else's terrorists. That's what everyone did in the 80s and the 90s .. destroying countries like Sri Lanka in the process. It took 9-11 to change that retarded mindset. I cannot believe that a US presidential candidate really thinks like this about terrorism in 2007 .. maybe in fact she is soft on terrorism as the right wing says.

I hope she loses.


cian said...

Sinhalese are the terrorists who killed thousands of Tamils and beat up women and children when the Tamils peacfully staged democratic protests. It is you created the LTTE. Now dont lecture to us on 'terrorism"

cian said...

The terrorists are the Sinhalese who were killing and beating up the Tamils for decades when the staged democratic protests. You created LTTE. Now dont lecture to us on "terrorism"

Unknown said...

Dont worry soon LTTE will be eliminated. Then come to Sri Lanka and live peacefully or stay where u are.

janani said...


As a Jaffna tamil, I am always astounded at the way people are brainwashed in the South.
My family left sri lanka after my house was bombed by SL air force (no, I am not affliated with LTTE) during their major operations in the 1990s. Entire areas were made to ground level. The Sri Lankan army has killed women and children in a number of massacres in the North and East. Please go and have a look at the Tamilnet archives if you want to see the pictures.

But I suspect that, like many other people in the South, you might choose to ignore or deny the reality.

Throughout history, movmements which fight for freedom have been suppressed but never eliminated. I will come back to live in Jaffna, Tamil Eelam but definitely not Sri Lanka. You can be assured that none of Tamils will stay in the South once they get a chace to go back to their villages and live in peace without being bombed on a daily basis; youth being detained and tortured; no fear of rape etc.

anyway, you won't get to know what happened for a some time to come. Only history will record all the atrocities...

Harry W said...

I totally agree with sanjiva. The tamil community live in harmony in colombo. there is no communal problem but a terrorist problem.
The ex police chief was IGP Anadaraja a tamil, the foreign minister Lakshman Kadiragamar who was assasinated by the darling boys of the tamils a tamil himslef.
Any moderate tamil is Killed by the LTTE. SO WHAT DO you CALL people who commit murder against there own kind. TERRORIST AND TRAITORS to the tamil nation
The so called discreminted lot bootlegged from the comfort of their wellawatte residencies to go to the west citing discrimination and live western dream As they were smuggled over by the terrorist operatives they are forced to tow the LTTE line for fear of being killed. Listen thambi can you speak your thoughts or practice democracy with the crazy megalomaniac prabha.the answer is no. You will be killed like a pariah dog. Don't you know what happens to moderate tamils. Those who really want peace. They are shed pieces by you rascals.

Anonymous said...

WTGF, do you even have the slightest idea what you Sinhalese did to Tamils for decades. It's no point even responding to your comments.

George Washington was called a terrorist, Nelson Mandela was called a terrorist and even Mahatma Gandhi was called a terrorist.

Go ahead keep calling LTTE and the Tamils Terrorist...we are in good company.

For majority of the Tamils Prabaharan and LTTE is the only safe guard. If not for LTTE we would have ended up like the Jews in Germany.

The time has come for the majority Sinhalese to stop the humbug and recognize the LTTE and the legitimate rights of Tamils or have the guts to tell the world that the Tamils have no place in Buddhist Srilanka.

LTTE is the arm forces of Tamil Ellam. The idea of getting rid of terrorism to recognize the rights of the Tamil people is the biggest joke. We are not idiots; we tried the non violent path for more than 50 years. It did not work

Learn from history!

Unknown said...

Reply to Cian
Could you give evidence to you claim please...
70% of Tamils who live in Sri Lanks live outside North in Singhalese areas. If Singhalese are so discriminative against Tamils how can that happen in the background that not a single Singhalese civilian is allowed to live in Jaffna. If Singlalese people were terrorists this is not how they would have behaved.. Then they would have behaved like Isralies against Palastinians.

Sivaji said...

Find out from this discussion How idiots are the sinhalese? All the sinhalese has to learn the history of sri lanka.

LTTE is the LAST and ONLY option for Tamils to safe guard themself as Sinhala extreamism is trying wipe-out all the Tamils from Sri Lanka.

Stupid harry is saying that 70% of Tamils living in the south. Don't you remember when the sinhala goverment packed 500 Tamils from Colombo to Vavuniya. Aren't they citizen of this country, and has the right to live anywhere in the country? Does this happen to Sinhalese? Even the govement is treating it's own citizen differently as whether they are Singhalese, Tamils, or Muslims.
Don't you guys know this. Aren't you treating Tamils differently? Are you sinhalese BLIND? Why don't you educate your own sinhalese people to treat other fellow citizens the same as yours?

I know you cannot answer any of these questions.

Who killed the Tamil parlimantarios, Pararajasingam, and Raviraj? GoSL
Who Killed Sivaram? GoSL
More than 70 000 Tamils have been killed in the last 20 years....who killed them. GoSL. THE BOTTOM LINE IS OUR GOVERNMENT IS KILLING OUR OWN PEOPLE. DON'T YOU NOTICE THAT. It never happend anywhere in the world.(killing it's own citizens). THEN WHY ARE YOU GUYS PRETENDING LIKE BLIND AND TALK SHIT. YOU CLEARLY UNDERSTAND THE GoSL IS KILLING IT'S OWN CITIZEN ONLY BECAUSE HE/SHE IS A TAMIL.

Think! THink! think! you idiots.

Unknown said...

Sri lankan Poli-tricks

"I Don't know why" by Sunil Perera

singer Sunil Perera who sang popular baila songs which referred to politicians and ridiculed their way of life, had added impromptu lines about politicians who were taken in helicopters to face murder charges. After his performance while Sunil Perera was having his dinner Mahen Ratwatte had come to him and led him to the restroom where the alleged assault took place.

Unknown said...

“I am not worried about the opinion of the Tamil people… now we cannot think of them, not about their lives or their opinion.. the more you put pressure in the north, the happier the Sinhala people will be here… Really if I starve the Tamils out, the Sinhala people will be happy.” – President J.R. Jayawardene, Daily Telegraph 11th July 1983

hindianaolop said...

All Hidians in the US will be voting Democrats. What would you expect?
Hilary' please don’t be mislead by funding and propaganda provided by Hindians of the US which includes Tamils. The most secretive and ruthless secret service is operating in the US. One of the most Mahthma (Gentleman) politicians of recent times was blown up by a suicide bomber at the direction of this secret service. His crime was to marry a woman outside his caste and eat sacred meat. The murder was executed by the Tamil terrorists and carried out by a woman suicide bomber. This is a problem with the western democracies with wealthy, powerful migrants from the developing world. Hope Obama has experienced what the Hindians do in Africa.

Unknown said...

I was not just born yesterday. As a close observer in this crisis, it is obvious to anybody that all activity done by LTTE are unjustifiable, inhuman, barbaric, and cruel; hence deserve the name "barbaric" terrorists. I should mentioned that not all tamils are terrorists. Most of the generation since late 70's from Jafnal and Vanni were brainwashed by LTTE with their mythical (tamil homeland, discriminations against Tamils, sinhalese kill tamils all are fabricated and mythical concepts) ideology for supporting LTTE multi-million dollar business. All leaders in LTTE are uneducated millionaires, who would have never enjoyed such a life style, drawing money from expatriate tamils around the world. I witnessed so called "tamils were killed and chased away in 1983". This a total fabrication. One should also think what would have cause such situation. That sort of looting could happen anywhere even in USA (we saw it in New Orleans after Katrina). On the other hand, check out following links to see what happened to the innocent Sinhalese who civilized the island thousands years ago.

Ethnic Cleansing in Sri Lanka:


These terrorists are not only killing thousands of innocent Sinhalese but also all moderate peace loving Tamils, examples include Doreappa, Kadiragamar, Loganathan, etc. Some idiots suggest a "political" solution. There is no political solution that inherent Sinhalese and LTTE can agree with, but possibly moderate tamils.

If brainwashed tamils really want to have peace, first they should give up baseless ideology including "Tamil's homeland" and "autonomy". Then help GOSL security forces to wipe out LTTE terrorism who will never be civilized. Fortune will then come naturally to all Sri Lankans; better than the peaceful time my parents dreaming about those days before LTTE.

-daniel said...

I strongly encourage you to listen to the cited interview Mrs. Clinton gave with the Guardian Unlimited. You will discover that the linked article is an absolute vicious fabrication. Mrs. Clinton did not say anything at all like what the article accuses her of saying and believing.

Mrs. Clinton is asked whether she agrees with President Bush's assertion that terrorists "hate us for our freedom". She responds by saying that she doesn't think it's useful to lump terrorists together this way. She says that terrorism is a tool used for political, ideological, and territorial means. She argues that it's more useful to consider the reason a terrorist group exists. In this context, she lists LTE, ETA, and terrorists in al-Anbar, Iraq as examples of terrorist groups who have explicit goals.

She did not say that terrorism is ever OK. She did not say that the goal of a terrorist group makes terrorism acceptable. She did not say LTE is OK.

Please listen to the interview, and then update your post accordingly.

Sam said...

If any comment by a Sinhalese is read, anybody will understand that they are trying to separate moderate Tamils from LTTE terrorists ( I too felt same till I saw the comments from Tamils especially idiots and terrorists like like 'cian' and 'bala'). Because they know that's what hapenning in Sri Lanka. However any Tamil posting comments do not highlight this truth. They say Sinhalese are the terrorists. So it's easy to understand who are moderates, who are speaking on behalf of terrorists and who are terrorists. After seeing comments from idiots like 'cian' and 'bala' I too felt whether all Tamils (Still feel sorry for moderate Tamils) terrorists, idiots and fools..!!!

Sam said...

If any comment by a Sinhalese is read, anybody will understand that they are trying to separate moderate Tamils from LTTE terrorists ( I too felt same till I saw the comments from Tamils especially idiots and terrorists like like 'cian','sivaji' and 'bala'). Because they know that's what hapenning in Sri Lanka. However any Tamil posting comments do not highlight this truth. They say Sinhalese are the terrorists. So it's easy to understand who are moderates, who are speaking on behalf of terrorists and who are terrorists. After seeing comments from idiots like 'cian','sivaji' and 'bala' I too felt whether all Tamils (Still feel sorry for moderate Tamils) terrorists, idiots and fools..!!!

lanka matha said...

RESPECT BRO…! That’s all I can say.

J Samarakoon

Unknown said...

Hey Sivaji? I wonder if

Unknown said...

Hello Sivaji, Was any one from Hetti Veediya (where all the Tamils have Beautiful jewellery shops that we sinhalese go and buy our ladies get packed and got sent too??in the 500 you talk about? listen you are trying to twist tails here. the 500 had NO BUSINES to be in CMB and could not prove why they were there.
Can I go to Jaffna and come in in body bag even i dont think so..Ill be dust.
Even in Switzerland or Germany if you have no business and you cant prove you will be packed.
Now let me tell this whole game is created and furtilized by the western and the US and who knows who else? GET it guys. This will keep Sri Lanka as a Nation down in the 3rd world list. If I am in CMB Fort or wellawatta or Bamba.. Aren't there Tamil brothers and sisters ( not forgetting the Moor/Muslims) living in harmony?
Can you get to Gall face green and does the Sinhalese attack you?
And for a less than 10% of tamils if we divide 1/3 rd of SLK would you be happy or shall we inlude 1/2 coastal area for you guys too.
I cannot understand how one can ignore living in CANADA or Germany or USA and dont feel the white treatment? oh yes no racial words but actions and the sarcatics and live them ...So now How about a province of Scarborough in Ontario why not ask for and fight for a part of it?
Listen Its all in your mind all this poison keep them aside and keep the weapons down lets stand as one nation.. Dont say you cannot come up the ladder because you are a Tamil. you are less than 10% of the population well All we sri Lankans favourite guy is MURALI who is 10 % of the team. Does many Sinhala boys struggle to get in the team and fail yes! Thats the way life goes!!
dont you get the treatment??
NOW HILLARY Its another story what a joke well shes likey to bring another decade of BUSH Shit I guess!

jamal said...

its the time to open the mouth! the comments against southern sinhala brothers! ,yes there are some truth is in some accusation but as a Sri lankan Muslim I have to tell the truth. in 1980 I made visit to Jaffna and I met the real THAMIL treatment. they always feel that except non-Jaffna Tamil others as animals.last 50years I am living with singhalese and its very very rare to find a racist. only one example is enough to justify my opinion.the ethnic cleansing of Jaffna Muslims. its worst than Bosnia. they were given only 24hs.all their belonging robed and as Palestinian living camps for last 60yrs most of Jaffna Muslim still in refugee camps last 17yrs.did a single Tamil politician worried about these situation. if Prbakaran win the war that's the end of all minorities in NE including East Tamils.Before 1983 in govt offices Muslims treated like 'parays' by so called Jaffna liberators. they are the worst racists in SL..

Hot Pictures said...

Why don`t you people call Ms Hillary Clinton as a white american tiger or terrorist like the great Minister Jeyaraj Ferndopulle did last time when an UN Representative comes to Sri Lanka. If any one support your state terrorism you people will happy and if some one is even in neutral position you called them a terrorist or white tiger. By doing all this you are supporting the LTTE and Tamil people to get liberated from Srilankan state terrorism and we don`t need to do much to show the world we are living with shinhala terrorist. So we are very thankful to you all. Keep on doing. Thank you very much.

Harry W said...

Talking about the Idiots like Cian and Bala who are obviously the tiger voice echoing sentiments of sinhala discrimination against the virtuous and ever ritous tamils. What a Lark. It is the tamils who have a strong caste system The Jaffna Tamils, Vellala caste The Low caste batti tamils ultra low caste indian toilet kulies.The tamils discriminate their own kind based on caste.
I was asked by a tamil vellala person not associate with a low caste batti tamil. There we go!!!
So before you point your finger at us look deeply at your own faults. ( prabha boys)
WE RESPECT LAWFUL TAMIL SRILANKAN citizens as our brothers. NOT BALA from the CORNER STORE who's store was set up by the LTTE Money LAUNDERING MACHINARY. Make sure you make your payment on time for failure to do so will make you be chopped up like a piece of mince meat by your beloved boys.

Unknown said...

If LTTE is fighting to free the tamils from Singhalese, why would they send the future generation of tamils (the little children who know nothing) to the war front while the children of all the leaders live in Canadian mansions and get educated in British universities. Do their excuses for all their atrocities and their conduct coincide?

Unknown said...

If LTTE is fighting to free the tamils from Singhalese, why would they send the future generation of tamils (the little children who know nothing) to the war front while the children of all the leaders live in Canadian mansions and get educated in British universities. Do their excuses for all their atrocities and their conduct coincide?

Unknown said...

I would like to hear from any of the Tiger backers that have posted their views here an explanation for the ethnic cleansing that has wiped out Muslims in Jaffna. Why are they silent on this topic? It is because this alone proves that Tigers are ruthless barbarians led by a maniac.
The claim that all tamils will move to Eelam is the biggest joke! Perhaps the uneducated tamil tigers living in the ghettos all over the world will move there and start their own fights but not me living peacefully in the southern part of Sri Lanka with our fellow sinhalese.

Jeevak Kasarkod said...

I think you touched a raw nerve here with your post:-). As an indian I am sad at the current state of affairs in India towards foreign policy. I am not a big fan of the Gandhis but atleast Rajiv Gandhi's government had a stand and knew whose side to take. The current is a US pacifist and theyll do as they are told!

Sanjiva Weerawarana said...

Daniel: I did go back and listen to this video but I am not convinced.

First of all, LTTE is not after the US- so why bring it up as an example of a group that belongs to those that Mr. Bush has classified as "they hate us for our freedom"? LTTE doesn't at all hate the US - they have senators that have spoken for them and are lobbying very hard to get the ban lifted. Nope, they don't hate the US .. they know that the money they can raise in the US is critical for their survival.

I of course agree 100% that terrorism has a root cause- members of LTTE's Black Tiger squadron don't kill themselves for nothing. They firmly believe in their cause.

I also of course agree that the root cause of Sri Lanka's terrorists is different from that of some other group.

Do you not understand that LTTE finds her comments favorable to them? If not would they put her picture up on their site and have a story on this "incident"? What does that tell you? Remember, LTTE is on the US list of banned organizations (and has been there for 5+ years I believe) and just had their NGO front also cut off. They're getting hammered militarily over here in Sri Lanka - summary: they're desperate. The last thing we need is for a US presidential candidate to give any straws for these maniacs to hang on to.

To many of the Tamil commentors on this thread: How can you possibly accept LTTE as the "sole representative of the Tamil people"? What have they done for you lately? There are many other Tamil leaders who are living scared because they're constantly under LTTE death threats. Is that what you want? Of course not. Remember, Mr. Kadirgamar was killed by the LTTE.

I of course know and accept that repeated Sri Lankan governments have made many mistakes in how they fought this war. Bombing towns was not the way to win a terrorist war (as the US is learning the hard way in Iraq). The way the war is being fought now is different.

At some point Sri Lanka will need a South African style truth and reconciliation commission to help heal the wounds. We need to get to a point of having viable conversations with all Tamil representatives before that can happen in any meaningful way. (To be fair, there's a lot of truth and reconciliation that's needed in the south too .. after the JVP fights in the late 80s.)

Unknown said...

After reading all the comments that I see a lot of Sri Lankans aware of the ethnic problem now but still many Sinhalese think this as a terrorist problem. Sanjiva W.'s comment on Mrs. Clinton statement is different and it is not what she said. What Sri Lanka experiences today is the consequences of short sighted, selfish political leadership and policy makers did from 1948 onwards. The Sinhala only Language policy adopted by the late S.W.R.D B., the anti Tamil riots in the 50s, 70s and 80s, the changes to the SL constitution which excluded the interests of the minorities by the government of late Srimavo B. and which made Sri Lanka a Sinhala Buddhist nation in the beginning of 1970s, the failure in implementing the political agreements made between Sinhala and Tamil political leaders to address the grievances of Tamils, The burning of Jaffna public library in 1982, the changing of the names of Tamil villages into Sinhala in the Mahavali development areas particularly in Trinco and settling Sinhalese on lands belonging to Tamils and giving them army protection in those areas, the standardization policy based on race to the entrance to the universities, the changes made to the Sri lankan constitution by the government of late JR J., the failure in implementing the language policy of the 1990s, the economic and development embargo adopted by the successive governments towards the North and East where the majority of Tamils and Tamil speaking people live, and many more to write. On the other hand lies what Sinhalese have to say. But what all people in Sri Lanka and others interested in Sri Lanka have to do is to work towards a solution that is acceptable by all people in Sri Lanka. Pointing the fingers to each others will not solve the problem. The ethnic sentiment/problem is the survival kit for the Southern politics to get the majority votes of the majority Sinhala people and to be in power. The politicians in the south will do anything and everything to come to power and to stay in power. Do not forget what they did to JVP youth uprising in the 70's and late 80s. The country is under emergency rule for so long and the freedom of media is in question for so long. Politicians do not want their wrong doings exposed the people they represent. The failure of Southern media in exposing the real situation of North and East to the Sinhala masses is another factor for today's situation. Do not forget the fact that Tamil youths took up arms to achieve their aspirations only when the non violent, democratic demands of their political leaders were suppressed and oppressed by violent means by the SL governments. I can go on writing about what happened in the past. But my question is what is the future for Sri Lanka? What is the future for Tamils in that country an even Muslims and other minority in that country? Is Tamil Ealem the answer? or will any political Sinhala leadership able to offer a constitutional change where power sharing is possible? or fight and fight until LTTE is eliminated as some wrote and of course killing more Tamils and destroying their properties, make them refugees, chase them out of Sri Lanka and leave behind a few and tell them keep your mouth shut and obey what we say policy? and make Sri Lanka a Sinhala Buddhist nation, install the statue of Buddha every where and do not follow what Buddha taught....?

IS acceptance of wrong doings done to Tamils, acceptance of acts of violent done to state institutions, reconciliation , reconstruction, development, building up trust among different ethnic communities, understanding each other's culture, language, religion, heritage etc, acceptance of them and respecting each others, recognizing the needs and the aspirations of all the segments of the people in the country, include them in the nation building, in political decision making, in representing SL in the world, adding a charter of rights to the constitution leaving no room for racial hatred, compensating the victims of both sides of this fight against terrorism has brought, eliminating corruption and bribery in the country, educating the masses to live in harmony with each others, teaching the kids the real history of Tamils, Sinhalese and others in Sri Lanka, bringing a new educational system, leaving behind the majority minority concept, making changes in the constitution where every one feel a belongingness in the country, making police, jurisdiction and the media free of political interference and leaving the doors open to anyone to become the head of state to lead Sri Lanka towards peace and prosperity irrespective of race or religion, separating state and religion .etc & etc.. ARE THE NEEDS OF THE HOUR. IS THIS POSSIBLE????? It is possible when the masses recognize the games of the politicians and realize real situation and take action. If not go to hell. Is separation the answer? Wait and see.

Unknown said...

After reading all the comments that I see a lot of Sri Lankans aware of the ethnic problem now but still many Sinhalese think this as a terrorist problem. Sanjiva W.'s comment on Mrs. Clinton statement is different and it is not what she said. What Sri Lanka experiences today is the consequences of short sighted, selfish political leadership and policy makers did from 1948 onwards. The Sinhala only Language policy adopted by the late S.W.R.D B., the anti Tamil riots in the 50s, 70s and 80s, the changes to the SL constitution which excluded the interests of the minorities by the government of late Srimavo B. and which made Sri Lanka a Sinhala Buddhist nation in the beginning of 1970s, the failure in implementing the political agreements made between Sinhala and Tamil political leaders to address the grievances of Tamils, The burning of Jaffna public library in 1982, the changing of the names of Tamil villages into Sinhala in the Mahavali development areas particularly in Trinco and settling Sinhalese on lands belonging to Tamils and giving them army protection in those areas, the standardization policy based on race to the entrance to the universities, the changes made to the Sri lankan constitution by the government of late JR J., the failure in implementing the language policy of the 1990s, the economic and development embargo adopted by the successive governments towards the North and East where the majority of Tamils and Tamil speaking people live, and many more to write. On the other hand lies what Sinhalese have to say. But what all people in Sri Lanka and others interested in Sri Lanka have to do is to work towards a solution that is acceptable by all people in Sri Lanka. Pointing the fingers to each others will not solve the problem. The ethnic sentiment/problem is the survival kit for the Southern politics to get the majority votes of the majority Sinhala people and to be in power. The politicians in the south will do anything and everything to come to power and to stay in power. Do not forget what they did to JVP youth uprising in the 70's and late 80s. The country is under emergency rule for so long and the freedom of media is in question for so long. Politicians do not want their wrong doings exposed the people they represent. The failure of Southern media in exposing the real situation of North and East to the Sinhala masses is another factor for today's situation. Do not forget the fact that Tamil youths took up arms to achieve their aspirations only when the non violent, democratic demands of their political leaders were suppressed and oppressed by violent means by the SL governments. I can go on writing about what happened in the past. But my question is what is the future for Sri Lanka? What is the future for Tamils in that country an even Muslims and other minority in that country? Is Tamil Ealem the answer? or will any political Sinhala leadership able to offer a constitutional change where power sharing is possible? or fight and fight until LTTE is eliminated as some wrote and of course killing more Tamils and destroying their properties, make them refugees, chase them out of Sri Lanka and leave behind a few and tell them keep your mouth shut and obey what we say policy? and make Sri Lanka a Sinhala Buddhist nation, install the statue of Buddha every where and do not follow what Buddha taught....?

IS acceptance of wrong doings done to Tamils, acceptance of acts of violent done to state institutions, reconciliation , reconstruction, development, building up trust among different ethnic communities, understanding each other's culture, language, religion, heritage etc, acceptance of them and respecting each others, recognizing the needs and the aspirations of all the segments of the people in the country, include them in the nation building, in political decision making, in representing SL in the world, adding a charter of rights to the constitution leaving no room for racial hatred, compensating the victims of both sides of this fight against terrorism has brought, eliminating corruption and bribery in the country, educating the masses to live in harmony with each others, teaching the kids the real history of Tamils, Sinhalese and others in Sri Lanka, bringing a new educational system, leaving behind the majority minority concept, making changes in the constitution where every one feel a belongingness in the country, making police, jurisdiction and the media free of political interference and leaving the doors open to anyone to become the head of state to lead Sri Lanka towards peace and prosperity irrespective of race or religion, separating state and religion .etc & etc.. ARE THE NEEDS OF THE HOUR. IS THIS POSSIBLE????? It is possible when the masses recognize the games of the politicians and realize real situation and take action. If not go to hell. Is separation the answer? Wait and see.

Unknown said...

After reading all the comments that I see a lot of Sri Lankans aware of the ethnic problem now but still many Sinhalese think this as a terrorist problem. Sanjiva W.'s comment on Mrs. Clinton statement is different and it is not what she said. What Sri Lanka experiences today is the consequences of short sighted, selfish political leadership and policy makers did from 1948 onwards. The Sinhala only Language policy adopted by the late S.W.R.D B., the anti Tamil riots in the 50s, 70s and 80s, the changes to the SL constitution which excluded the interests of the minorities by the government of late Srimavo B. and which made Sri Lanka a Sinhala Buddhist nation in the beginning of 1970s, the failure in implementing the political agreements made between Sinhala and Tamil political leaders to address the grievances of Tamils, The burning of Jaffna public library in 1982, the changing of the names of Tamil villages into Sinhala in the Mahavali development areas particularly in Trinco and settling Sinhalese on lands belonging to Tamils and giving them army protection in those areas, the standardization policy based on race to the entrance to the universities, the changes made to the Sri lankan constitution by the government of late JR J., the failure in implementing the language policy of the 1990s, the economic and development embargo adopted by the successive governments towards the North and East where the majority of Tamils and Tamil speaking people live, and many more to write. On the other hand lies what Sinhalese have to say. But what all people in Sri Lanka and others interested in Sri Lanka have to do is to work towards a solution that is acceptable by all people in Sri Lanka. Pointing the fingers to each others will not solve the problem. The ethnic sentiment/problem is the survival kit for the Southern politics to get the majority votes of the majority Sinhala people and to be in power. The politicians in the south will do anything and everything to come to power and to stay in power. Do not forget what they did to JVP youth uprising in the 70's and late 80s. The country is under emergency rule for so long and the freedom of media is in question for so long. Politicians do not want their wrong doings exposed the people they represent. The failure of Southern media in exposing the real situation of North and East to the Sinhala masses is another factor for today's situation. Do not forget the fact that Tamil youths took up arms to achieve their aspirations only when the non violent, democratic demands of their political leaders were suppressed and oppressed by violent means by the SL governments. I can go on writing about what happened in the past. But my question is what is the future for Sri Lanka? What is the future for Tamils in that country an even Muslims and other minority in that country? Is Tamil Eelam the answer? or will any political Sinhala leadership able to offer a constitutional change where power sharing is possible? or fight and fight until LTTE is eliminated as some wrote and of course killing more Tamils and destroying their properties, make them refugees, chase them out of Sri Lanka and leave behind a few and tell them keep your mouth shut and obey what we say policy? and make Sri Lanka a Sinhala Buddhist nation, install the statue of Buddha every where and do not follow what Buddha taught....?

IS acceptance of wrong doings done to Tamils, acceptance of acts of violent done to state institutions, reconciliation , reconstruction, development, building up trust among different ethnic communities, understanding each other's culture, language, religion, heritage etc, acceptance of them and respecting each others, recognizing the needs and the aspirations of all the segments of the people in the country, include them in the nation building, in political decision making, in representing SL in the world, adding a charter of rights to the constitution leaving no room for racial hatred, compensating the victims of both sides of this fight against terrorism has brought, eliminating corruption and bribery in the country, educating the masses to live in harmony with each others, teaching the kids the real history of Tamils, Sinhalese, Muslims and others in Sri Lanka, bringing a new educational system, leaving behind the majority minority concept, making changes in the constitution where every one feels a belongingness in the country, making police, jurisdiction and the media free of political interference and leaving the doors open to anyone to become the head of state to lead Sri Lanka towards peace and prosperity irrespective of race or religion, separating state and religion, Responsibility,Transparency, Accountability.etc & etc.... ARE THE NEEDS OF THE HOUR. IS THIS POSSIBLE????? It is possible when the masses recognize the games of the politicians and realize real situation and take action. If not go to hell. Is separation the answer? Wait and see.

Unknown said...

If all of Sri Lanka as one nation, regardless of race or religion, is to prosper terrorism must be ended. However, the TIGERS and their powerbase in the state of Tamil Nadu plus the Tamils in ghettos across the world, are supporting another vision for creating a Tamil Heaven on this tiny island. This is clearly a geopolitical conflict mixed with a flavor of ethnic cleansing. Indian govt is heavily complicit in this tragedy for SL. Perhaps it serves their own plans to annex the island for strategic reasons. If the political leadership in SL continues as at present, in about 100 years we could expect SL could become a defacto part of Tamil Nadu & economically a province of India. We are already seeing clear evidence of this based on the huge Indian investments in the island. Everyone else is scared off by the conflict -- and we beggars in SL cannot be choosers!

Sudarshana Sampath said...

Reply to Bala...

Did George Washington, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi sell drugs(heroin) and weapons
like beasts Velupillai Pirapaharan, Thamilchelvan,balasigham,Pottu Amman.

Unknown said...

look how many pro LTTE terrorists are in here. All these tamils that are supporting LTTE are none other then Indian tamils who was never born in Sri Lanka. We sinhalese as well as muslims, and true patriotic tamils of sri lanka knows that LTTE is a terrorist organization and soon together the LTTE will be defeated so that sinhalese,tamils,muslims,burghers,germans can ALL live peacefully in ANYWHERE in SRI LANKA without harssmenent by tamil terrorists. END OF STORY. I am a U.S. Citizen and I will NOT VOTE FOR HILARY. A person who doesn't understand terrorism and tries to justify it anything other then terrorism or justify by saying there must be a true reason is an ignornant, reverse thinking person and should not be elected.

To all the crazy tamil indians, no such thing as tamil eelam, now or never or there ever was the last two thousand five hundrered years ago nor will there ever be as long as Sinhalese live! So you can go back to tamilnadu and ask for tamileelam there. You will get good beating from the punjabi and new delihi indians lol. Go fund more toilets in tamilnadu as the people there are doing worse then sri lankan tamils and stop spreading misinformation and false propaganda. We all know LTTE has killed more tamils then anything, and Sinhalese have been killed due to this bullshit LTTE terrorist. Sinhalese can only take it so much for giving the right for tamils to migrate and live in our country. But as human beings we are all human beings and we will eliminate terrorism so we can live peacefully with different types of people in sri lanka.

Unknown said...

Hilary Clinton supports terrorists as she does not understand who truly LTTE terrorists are. LTTE is worse then Al Qaida. Terrorism anywhere is terrorism. At least George Bush understood that. Hilary Clinton will not get my vote.

Sivaji said...

Mr. Stupid SL. You can't even post your name. You call yourself a US citizen, and still you are talking like a uncivilized man. I know 80% of sinhalese are brain washed by the Extremist Sinhala goverments, and they don't really know the real situations in the Eelam. It's not sinhala people fault. It's your govement which never tell the truth. I asked every Sinhalease to come out of this extremism and racism and think as a civilised man, what the root cause of this problem.

I don't think Hilary needs your vote to win as she is the one who is going to win.

You guys are calling LTTE a terrorist, then why 99% of the people are supporting LTTE. Then 99.1% of the Srilankan Tamils must be LTTE. Isn't it true?

Didn't the whole world called Nelson Mandela a terrorist 30 years ago, put him in jain 25 years, and got Nobel prize 30 years later. So what do you say Mr. Stupid SL? If Nelson Mandela got killed that time, would he get the Nobel prize now? No. but the whole world would still call him a terroist died 30 years ago. RIght?

same situation is happening in Sri Lanka now. You guys are calling LTTE terroist now. Why SL goverment arrested all Tamils in Colombo? because they don't know who is LTTE and who is not. I am telling you they are all LTTE. You know one thing that All the LTTE are Tamils, now I am telling you that All the Tamils are LTTE too. what can you do now?

Come on, and come out of sinhala extremism and think in general...Look at the SL politics .what exactly the SL goverment is doing? Goverment is kidnappiping Tamil MP's Relatives and asking them not to vote against the gov. Does this happend anywhere in the world??? Rajapakse govement has the largest number of Ministers mor than 100 in the world and world record...even china with 1.3 billion population has only 25 ministers.

An there is NO freedom for news media. SL Government is killing journalists if they report the truth. More than 10 journalist has been killed by the government with in the last 2 years. They killed the 17 French NGO workers in Trinco, and 2 UN workers in Colombo. Tell me a journalist that LTTE killed.

Government is bombing Tamils' houses in Vanni. every single day for the past 20 years, you have killed about 10 000 Tamil people but only 10 LTTE so far. what is the point of doing all these is just you don't care about Tamils. Rajapakse is the biggest terrorist in Sri Lanka. You should bring him to the international court for killing 5000 Tamils in the last 5 years during the Peach talk, and hang him like Saddam Hussein.

Who is breaking the peach agreement and capturing places? it's the sinhala forces....why. If any international human rights or NGOs speak the truth, the sri lankan goverment call them LTTE. are you stupid? Yes, you guys are the dummiest people in the world. Just look and count the number of ministers in the parliment. you know how stupid the government? then do I have to tell about just other people who is voting to them....ha haha

Even today the UN said Sri Lanka is most dangerous place to live, just because of the goverment. They all know govenment is the terrorist now. not the LTTE. LTTE is only asking the military to leave our land and go back. we are only killing the Sri Lankan military not the Sinhala people. Why are you occupying our land? our temples? our schools? does that happened to you sinhalese?

Tell yor state terrorists government to respect international human rights.

All LTTE or Tamil people are asking is freedome to live in our own land. Sinhalse and tamils never go to gether different language, different religin, and diff culture so only way is to separate eelam and freedom from the Sri Lankan state terrorism.

You sinhalse have to realize one thing, that LTTE will never be defeated regardless of who is helping you arms. And there will be a Tamil eelam soon with in next few years.

Sivaji said...

By the way, Mr. Dump Ass SL. why did you leave SL, go to US? what happened to you? Any problem with you or with your country?

Danny said...

I was born in Sri Lanka. I am now a U.S. Citizen. I was going to vote for Hillary as I am a strong Democrat. But, after I saw her supportive comments of Prabha led LTTE, I have decided NOT to vote for her.

Go Obama or Go McCain!

I will do my very best to spread the word, in toss up states like PA where I have many American friends, that she supports certain Terrorist groups.

Unknown said...


Please check the two pictures of the following two article
links; One is in Iraq and the other is in Mannar. But the catch is the
second one; Tamil Editors copied the Iraq one and expressed that was in
Mannar. This is indisputable proof that the lengths the LTTE will go to decieve the world for its goals
now check this

Unknown said...

Basically due to LTTE attrocities, the people in the vanni, north are sufferring.
Most of the Tamil young professionals are leaving the country as LTTE demands money from them if they live in CMB or South!
The LTTE is run by the Tamil despora in foreign countires and LTTE is a BIG COMPANY which get Millions of $$$s extracted forcefully from various tamil people and also variou illegal businesses like arms deals + who knows providing "How to do Suicide bombing by brainwashing women" CONSULTANCY! to other world terrorist orgs.

SahaSamvada said...

What a mix of utter ignorance or the pretense of ignorance. Thankfully, Joseph provided this string of comments some sense. People need to understand some important things before they go ahead and write things. One is, as Joseph mentioned, one needs to address the root cause of the problem which gave birth to the terrorist atrocities of the LTTE, secondly one needs to NEVER forget that Sri Lanka is equally plagued by 'State-Terrorism', thirdly not all Tamils are LTTE and not all Sinhalese are racist but racism and regional bias is seeped in the mindsets of many Tamils and Sinhalese (The Jaffna Tamils vs. the Eastern Tamils/ Upcountry Tamils is this regional bias), fourthly and importantly, the marginalisation of the Muslims in this fiasco and last but not least Diaspora nationalism and its implications on the ethnic conflict.

People, like Cian, Sivaji and Bala very conveniently forget that the LTTE is not and cannot be the sole representatives of the Tamils. The Tamils are clearly divided on this issue. Thankfully, a growing number of Tamils now realise that a liberation struggle that murders its own peoples cannot win them their rights and freedom. The LTTE is fighting for a Tamil Eelam that will end up as a mass grave of the people it supposedly fought for. The Tamils who still blindly believe that the LTTE are their sole emancipators are mostly part of the diaspora feeding a 'liberation struggle' that is drinking the blood of the poor people still stuck in Sri Lanka. Long distance nationalism is a heady but lethal element that has a major part to play in fueling SL's ethnic conflict.

Lastly, no matter whether its Hillary or Obama and hopefully not McCain, the US will always use the rest of the world to their benefit. So it is up to us to sort out our own mess.

Rita Roy said...

I noticed a video by BBC that talks about the roots of the problem in Lanka and how it all started. The below link shows the documentary:-

දර්ශන කස්තුරිරත්න said...

a tamil person can live anywhere in Sri Lanka. Can a Sinhala person do that?

a tamil person can work anywhere in Sri lanka? Can a Sinhala person do that?

a tamil person can study anywhere in Sri lanka? Can a Sinhala person do that?

Can someone please let me know one single so called 'injustice' done to the tamils by Sinhala people 'only because they are tamils'? I'm asking about something happening right now. not something that happened some indefinite time back in the past.

Don't mention about checkpoints cos we also go thru them. And checkpoints are an outcome of ur terrorist activities. not a cause for it.

I won't take a brainwashed tamil expat who may have come here twice during his lifetime saying 'Black July' (which happenend a quarter century back) as an answer. It was staged by the then SL goverment to get political advantages using thugs and without the backing of a majority of sinhala people. whatever it is, it is finished now and there's nobody who can do anything abt it.

Also, don't tell me a tamil person getting Sinhala birth certificate example. All u need is a clerk who knows both Sinhala and tamil to fix that. No need to create a mono ethnic tamil state after doing ethnic cleansing on the Sinhala and Muslim people to fix that problem.

දර්ශන කස්තුරිරත්න said...

I'm not at all surprised that Hillary Clinton (or any american leader) supporting LTTE. One good thing about Bush is he was in his cowboy mindset that forgot that LTTE is a useful too for 'American Interests'.

It is the Western Imperialists who created and nurtured the LTTE and most importantly who created the theories for tamil seperalists in Sri Lanka, by creating a false history. They use LTTE against the Sinhala Buddhist culture. They have similar operations sucessfully in countries like Sudan (Darfur) and Indonesia (east timor).

Prabakaran is just a mere servant of Western Imeprialists. So is Ranil. It is now clear that Prabakaran was falsly imaged as an 'Invincible power' by Western Media such as BBC and CNN.

Only thing in my mind that is bothering the US to openly support LTTE is al quaida. Understandably, all terrorist organisation share resources and there may have been occasions where al quaida had some links with LTTE. If it wasn't for al quaida and the current economic crisis, I think the western powers would more actively supporting LTTE, maybe using thier proxy organisation called the UN.

Hot Pictures said...

Over 100,000 people, mostly Tamils came from across the UK to march in central London on Saturday demanding an end to the war in Sri Lanka and the atrocities carried out by the military. During the march itself reports came in of a cluster bomb attack that killed 39 civilians and wounded 128 more.

Saturday’s demonstration was the largest ever of its kind and took the organizers, who only expected a few thousand to turn up, completely by surprise. The police were likewise unprepared, and central London ground to a halt as the march made its way from the Tate Britain gallery past Downing Street, the residence of UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown, to Temple Station where speakers addressed the enormous crowd. Only a few were able to make their speeches before the police demanded an end to the rally claiming the organizers did not have permission to use a public address system.

Despite the unprecedented nature of the demonstration, a similar one of 50,000 people in Toronto the previous day and other demonstrations across Europe, none of the British or international TV news channels or Sunday newspapers reported it.

The march was dominated by home-made banners and placards condemning the slaughter of Tamil civilians by the Sri Lankan military. Others attacked India for sending in troops and the silence of the “international community” over the humanitarian crisis that has developed. The BBC was criticized for failing to report the killings and the British government for its role in Sri Lankan history. Young and old alike shouted, “Stop the killing of Tamil people”, “End the War Now”! “Drop food and medicines—not bombs”.

There were calls for self-determination for Tamil Eelam and shouts of support for the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam but there were few red and yellow Tamil Eelam flags and no Tamil Tigers flags.

Leaflets were handed out by several Tamil nationalist organisations, but their perspective was limited to putting pressure on various governments to intervene. Typical was that put out by the main organizer, the Tamils Forum, which called for people to “pressure the UK government to prevail upon Sri Lanka to stop the genocide” and write to their MPs. A petition was circulated calling for Brown to remove the LTTE from the list of banned terrorist organizations.

Members and supporters of the Socialist Equality Party handed out thousands of leaflets in English and Tamil of the January 29 perspective article from the World Socialist Web Site “Troops out of northern and eastern Sri Lanka!” It denounced the criminal assault being unleashed by the Sri Lankan military, criticised the bankrupt perspective of the LTTE and called for the unity of the Tamil, Sinhala and international working class. Demonstrators clamoured for the leaflet, and after they had read it several came back for more and began distributing it themselves.

Many had heard of the World Socialist Web Site and were eager to express their views. V. Vijay said, “First of all we have gathered here to stop the war against the Tamil people. It is ethnic mass murder. Afterwards we should talk about a peace process and solution.

“The Sri Lankan government has used Sinhala chauvinism for a long time to carry out war against the Tamils. It wants to eliminate the rights of Tamils using the ‘war on terror’.

“None of the imperialist countries are willing to stop the war, particularly India, which has used our ethnic conflict for its own purposes and fomented conflict between Sinhalese and Tamils for a long period. India wants to establish its own regional power and markets.

“People are conscious that Sinhala and Tamil people should solve the national conflict, establish permanent peace without involving imperialism.

“We have to show solidarity with our people and show our anger. However, I don’t think this movement is going to stop the war. Mass demonstrations were carried out in 2003 against the war on Iraq but it didn’t stop the US.

“We should appeal to all people to fight to end the war”, V. Vijay concluded.

Govindaraj [Indian Tamil], a member of a Tamil youth organization who has come from Manchester to London to start a hunger strike in protest at the war said, “We want to express our anger at the world powers. It is not simply genocide; it is predetermined structural and physical genocide against the Tamil people in Sri Lanka by the world powers.

“What we want immediately is to stop the war because Tamils have been killed using the ‘War on Terror’. The imperialist countries have turned the ‘liberation struggle’ into a mere fight against terrorists in order to mask the real issues behind it. As a result, the Tamil people have been killed and their rights attacked.

“If India wants to stop the war it could do so, but it won’t because of its own geo-strategic interests. The Sri Lankan government uses the location of Sri Lanka [close to India] to sell itself to India. But Indian people are not supporting this war, only the government is doing so.

“We should push our [Indian] government to impose peace in Sri Lanka. What we want is to protect Tamils in Sri Lanka,” Govindaraj added.

K, a Tamil youth, who did not want his full name used because he feared being targeted by the Sri Lankan government in future, said that he had only come to the UK a few months ago after being released from jail in Sri Lanka where he had been badly tortured. He said that though he was a refugee and immigrant worker and was unable to get time off to come to the demonstration, “I am ready to sacrifice my job in order to show my anger against this war”.

“The Sri Lankan government won’t give anything to the Tamil masses,” K explained. “It wants to keep Tamils as slaves.

“Tamil people are living in fear in Colombo. Any time anything could happen to them. No one is there to protect them. People are afraid of being identified and targeted by the government if we have relatives in LTTE held area”, he continued.

“I have lost my relatives in this bombardment. My relatives in Colombo and Vavuniya are unable to mourn or cry for them. This is cruel and criminal war against the Tamils.

“I know Tamil people who refuse to come to the so-called ‘safe zones’ after they were bombarded by the government and because they are going to be held like criminals in camps. The government did it before and is going to do so again. Most people have a relative in the LTTE and they are going to be the first target of the government. I know what will happen if they move to the Sri Lankan army area.

“The government is bombarding the area to terrify Tamils saying they supported the LTTE and joined them. Through the aggression, shelling and killing the government expects to eliminate the Tamil struggle, but it won’t happen like that. More Tamils will take up arms again because every day they see the atrocities carried out by the Sri Lankan army”, K said.

Paris demonstration

Members and supporters of the SEP in France also found strong support for the perspective to unite workers across ethnic lines based on socialist internationalism during their campaign in Paris.

More than 1,000 people gathered in the La Chappelle area for a demonstration over the war. Although organised by LTTE front organizations, Tamil youth organisations and Tamil shop owners, many people were participating independently angered not only by the actions of the Sri Lankan government but also the Indian government and the international community, which is backing the Colombo ruling class.

SEP members distributed the statement “Troops out of north and eastern Sri Lanka” and spoke to many Tamil youth who expressed their concerns about the innocent people who are losing their lives because of the Rajapkse government and the military, which is using powerful weapons such as multi-barrel rockets, mortars and airplanes.

“Where is the United Nations? And where is the international community? Why they can’t stop the war”? one asked.

Another youth, Ravee, said, “I have come with our sports club to oppose the war. We are not supporters of the LTTE, but we are gathering here in solidarity with our people who are being killed in barbaric military attacks every day.

“They are living in a very inferior situation in Wanni without any food, medicines or shelter. Today I heard about 3,000 Indian army [soldiers who] landed in Mullaitheevu. Rajapakse is very cunning man. He announced a two-day cease fire, but in reality, he deployed his army with the support of the Indian army to prepare another assault against Wanni peoples and the LTTE”, Ravee concluded.

Kandeepan said, “Once I was a supporter of the EPRLF (one of the Tamil national movements, now with the Rajapakse government) but now I do not support them. In the past I lost many of my family members. This war is destroying many Tamils in Sri Lanka”.

Hot Pictures said...

The World Socialist Web Site calls on workers and young people to denounce the criminal assault now being unleashed by the Sri Lankan military against more than a quarter of a million Tamil men, women and children trapped in the Mullaithivu district in the country’s north.

After 25 years of bloody war against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), the Sri Lankan army captured the town of Mullaithivu on Sunday and is pressing its offensive against the remnants of the separatist movement, indiscriminately using its military superiority to terrorise the local population.

Thus far the Sri Lankan military has strafed and bombarded so-called “safe zones”, makeshift hospitals and ambulances, killing and wounding hundreds of civilians. The unfolding humanitarian disaster is taking place behind a wall of military censorship reinforced by a ban on all journalists from the frontlines.

According to an emergency statement issued yesterday by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), hundreds have already been killed and more than 250,000 Tamil civilians are trapped in the war zone without adequate food or medicine. The Sri Lankan military this week prevented the ICRC from evacuating 200 critically injured people and has blocked basic relief supplies from entering the area.

The military onslaught in northern Sri Lanka bears a striking resemblance to the ruthless 22-day Israeli offensive against Gaza. Even the government lies and propaganda are similar. Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse claims that the military is engaged in a “war against terrorism”, not a vicious communal war on the island’s oppressed Tamil minority.

Military spokesmen brazenly lie, denying that any war crimes are being committed. When that is no longer possible, they accuse the LTTE of using civilians as “human shields”, saying the military has “no choice” but to bombard the small and densely populated area. The government claims that the LTTE is holding the civilian population against its will, but those who flee to government-held territory are detained in what amounts to concentration camps without adequate food, medicine and the basic necessities of life. The truth is that the Sri Lankan government and military regard the entire Tamil population as the enemy.

Like the bloody carnage in Gaza, the new atrocities taking place in Sri Lanka are a warning to the working class around the world. Led by the US, the major powers that backed the Israeli government are now lined up behind the Rajapakse regime. For all its hypocritical expressions of concern about the plight of civilians, Washington backed Rajapakse’s repudiation of the 2002 ceasefire, and his launching of offensive operations in July 2006, and provides the Sri Lankan military with counter-insurgency training, intelligence and equipment.

Equally complicit is the Indian government, which feigns concern about the “safety” of Tamils, while fully endorsing the military attack. Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee visited Sri Lanka on Tuesday, cynically declaring that the military victories would “bring peace” to the Tamil-dominated northern areas. What the Rajapakse government has in store for the North is already on display in the “liberated” East—a military occupation presided over by the head of a notorious para-military outfit.

The branding of the LTTE as a terrorist organisation is designed to cover up the real roots of the country’s 25-year civil war, which lie in the systematic discrimination against the Tamil minority by successive governments since independence in 1948. Organically incapable of providing any progressive solution to the country’s economic backwardness and poverty, Colombo politicians took a leaf out of the book of their former British colonial rulers—whipping up anti-Tamil chauvinism to divide and rule the working class and oppressed masses.

Rajapakse claims to be bringing “democracy” to the country, but an elementary requirement of democracy is the provision of basic rights for all. Tamils confront discrimination in every aspect of their lives, including jobs, education, and access to state bodies and services. Communalism has been codified in Sri Lanka’s constitution, which makes Buddhism the state religion. The aim of the war against the LTTE is to ensure the continued domination of the island’s Sinhala elites.

The LTTE, however, has been unable to elaborate any viable perspective for the Tamil people. Its military collapse over the past year is a manifestation of its bankrupt perspective of a separate capitalist Tamil statelet in the North and East of Sri Lanka sponsored by one or other of the major powers. Even as the “international community” has backed the Sri Lankan government’s criminal war, the LTTE has continued to issue impotent calls for support from the same imperialist powers.

The LTTE’s own communal perspective renders it incapable of making any appeal to the Sinhala working class and peasantry, which it blames for the repression and war. Its violent attacks on Sinhalese civilians have only played directly into the hands of the Sinhalese extremists and militarists.

Above all the disintegration of the LTTE and its inability to provide any way forward the Tamil people makes clear that Tamil workers and peasants require a new strategy. The real ally of the Tamil people is the international working class—the only force capable of putting an end to the bloody disaster in Sri Lanka and developing a genuine struggle against capitalism, the source of racialism and war.

This is the program fought for by all sections of the International Committee of the Fourth International and the Socialist Equality Party (SEP) in Sri Lanka, which is contesting the Nuwara Eliya and Puttalam provincial council elections on February 14. SEP candidates are explaining to workers, youth and students the class nature of the war, demanding the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all Sri Lankan troops from the north and east of the country and urgent aid to the Tamil masses.

Twenty five years of war against the Tamil population have brought nothing but misery for working people—Tamil, Sinhalese and Muslim alike—with the destruction of over 70,000 lives, and the creation of hundreds of thousands of refugees, paid for through the axing of thousands of jobs, hard-won conditions and attacks on the basic rights of working people and peasant farmers.

Every section of the working class has been told that it must sacrifice living standards. Those who have rejected these government dictates have been branded as LTTE allies and terrorist sympathisers. Hundreds of people have “disappeared” or been killed by military-sponsored death squads. These methods will not stop with a military victory over the LTTE but will intensify as the Sri Lankan economy is further hit by the escalating global economic crisis.

Against the triumphalism of the Sri Lankan government and its criminal war, the SEP insists that the only solution is a socialist program, the formation of a workers’ and farmers’ government and the establishment of a Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and Eelam. This must be part of the broader struggle throughout the Indian sub-continent, against all forms of ethno-communalism, to reorganise society on a socialist basis for human need, not the profit requirements of the ruling elites.

Richard Phillips

dsk said...

"My family left sri lanka after my house was bombed by SL air force (no, I am not affliated with LTTE) during their major operations in the 1990s. Entire areas were made to ground level."
there were probably no computerised bomb delivery systems back in early 90' the only question is, did SLAF intentionally target you? you are suggesting SLAF wasted bombs on innocent tamil civilians,which is highly questionable.since Jaffna is under army control maybe you can name the area you lived.

"no fear of rape"-there might be some truth in the 90's but most is lies.definitely not now. were you raped in SL?

dsk said...

For majority of the Tamils Prabaharan and LTTE is the only safe guard. If not for LTTE we would have ended up like the Jews in Germany.
if you were to end up as jews your prabha could have done know that very stop lying to yourself

We are not idiots; we tried the non violent path for more than 50 years. It did not work

both violent and non violent path to a Tamil Eelam will not work.talking about many tamil kingdoms founded by south indians also will not have laid a claim on the sinhalese homeland.period.
so find another solution like power Tamil Eelam,only Eelam!

Krish Van Colombo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Krish Van Colombo said...

There was such an untold suffering to Sri Lankan civilians for 30 years by LTTE Terrorist ( Those suffering were not highlighted in world news or been ignored. The list of massacres by LTTE Terrorist can be found in the link

Throughout USA history all the international war they participated has caused many civilian casualties by US military. The most revealing - and damning - fact about the US approach to the issue is that military commanders do not intend to institute any changes in tactics to try and reduce civilian casualties, rather than change perceptions about them. See in link

US in general should applaud the SL Military for defeating an International Terrorist group successfully. This could be the first time in history a government manage to defeat Terrorism. US is still struggling to do so. Without been negative towards the SL Govt, US should request military intelligence from SL government to defeat Terrorism in US.

Furthermore SL military undertook the largest rescue mission in world history in the week of 20/04/2009. Link

Hot Pictures said...

There are so many genocide attacks on Tamils by Sri Lankan armed forces time to time.
Some of them ...

Hiranthika Kothalawala said...

USA government has so many faces and all faces are evil. They created the world's most dangerous terrorist and now they pretend to have a war on ' terror' but they don't fight terrorism.. They only fight threats against their superiority.

Terrorism in other countries are none of their concern as long as the terrorists win. Because America can't stand any other country having peace. They WANT us to divide and fight.

I have nothing against tamils. I don't feel happy when LTTE cadres are killed because most of them are being joined by force and some are children. Whatever they call themselves.. they are still Sri Lankans.

Soon the war will end. We WILL have peace. Though you might agree with my opinions or not.. you all will then live peacefully. All this hatred will end because Prabakaran will no longer be there to fuel the anger.

vasi said...

which terrorism?Sri Lanka has discriminated Tamils since 1948,there are clear evidence of riots,educational,language,religion, political discrimination.

Ok,lets come to the point!If SL Government really concern about Tamils,let the 300 000 people to free,atleast allow all medias,nuetrel organization into camps???still today dere white vans coming and people r dissapering in hevily army controll area



Unknown said...

I'm a Sri Lankan and I'm really grateful to the current Sri Lankan government and the President for,that the country is no more facing the unfortunate violence of war,which we suffered for nearly 30 years.It had always been a true Sri Lankans only dream to eradicate violence and bring back hope to the whole nation.So here we are,all gathered together now.
But there is a hidden truth where the Sri Lanakan government has gone wrong.I personally think what Hilory Clinton has stated was quite the truth.It is the harsh truth behind the long waited peace, We respect the army with all our hearts for the unbelievable victory they brought upon the whole nation .But proof from all over the country on this reckless behavior of the army is reverberating.
There are innocent people,homeless,and orphans without any guardian,people suffering from epidemic diseases and people famishing with no food.They are begging for shelter and begging for food.And on top of all they are begging for the protection of their daughters.
Do u call this peace???We sinhalese do not need peace with no humanity.We want the same rights for both us and the tamil people.They have the right to live in this small island as much as we do.Most of the workers from UN,UNICEF,WHO,Red cross..etc complain that they are not being allowed to enter the salvage areas to at least feed the victims.No one knows what exactly is happening in there.If there's peace what's so big to hide in there???These victims should be re-established with shelter,food and a job to survive,not be trapped in a salvage area.Like us,they lived there lives,they had their dreams,they had a hope to live...they prayed for peace...but not this...
Everyday there's a girl being raped,in front of their parents begging for mercy,everyday there's a murder...everyday there's nothing but violence...
They are humans,they need their rights...Prabhakaran was a vicious person who used the innocent tamils against the government to fulfill his personal grudges,but if the government continues to treat the tamils like this,it will be like giving birth to millions of future Prabhakarans.And it has already begun,the new born babies are named after these terrorists,and being a sinhalese Sri Lnakan I don't see any fault in that...
It's not only Hilory Clinton,millions of people have there eyes on this foolhardy behavior of our troops on the tamil people,and their rights...this island of buddhism,is now called the 'blood Island"...this is not any of Hilory Clinton's statements...this is what the whole world thinks of us!!!Hilory Clinton is just one person,but there will be soon a day,a day that the whole world will be against us.
If the Sri Lankan government does not take any action against this abrasive truth,this so called peace we are celebrating now will turn against our children being the most devastating disaster of the whole history...and on top of all...leaving thousands of new Prabhakarans to deal with,and the whole world will be there to support them...which will not be easy to contend.
Here we are,Sri Lanakans begging for peace,not only to Sinhales,to all Sri Lankans alive on our motherland.

Unknown said...

I'm a Sri Lankan and I'm really grateful to the current Sri Lankan government and the President for,that the country is no more facing the unfortunate violence of war,which we suffered for nearly 30 years.It had always been a true Sri Lankans only dream to eradicate violence and bring back hope to the whole nation.So here we are,all gathered together now.
But there is a hidden truth where the Sri Lanakan government has gone wrong.I personally think what Hilory Clinton has stated was quite the truth.It is the harsh truth behind the long waited peace, We respect the army with all our hearts for the unbelievable victory they brought upon the whole nation .But proof from all over the country on this reckless behavior of the army is reverberating.
There are innocent people,homeless,and orphans without any guardian,people suffering from epidemic diseases and people famishing with no food.They are begging for shelter and begging for food.And on top of all they are begging for the protection of their daughters.
Do u call this peace???We sinhalese do not need peace with no humanity.We want the same rights for both us and the tamil people.They have the right to live in this small island as much as we do.Most of the workers from UN,UNICEF,WHO,Red cross..etc complain that they are not being allowed to enter the salvage areas to at least feed the victims.No one knows what exactly is happening in there.If there's peace what's so big to hide in there???These victims should be re-established with shelter,food and a job to survive,not be trapped in a salvage area.Like us,they lived there lives,they had their dreams,they had a hope to live...they prayed for peace...but not this...
Everyday there's a girl being raped,in front of their parents begging for mercy,everyday there's a murder...everyday there's nothing but violence...
They are humans,they need their rights...Prabhakaran was a vicious person who used the innocent tamils against the government to fulfill his personal grudges,but if the government continues to treat the tamils like this,it will be like giving birth to millions of future Prabhakarans.And it has already begun,the new born babies are named after these terrorists,and being a sinhalese Sri Lnakan I don't see any fault in that...
It's not only Hilory Clinton,millions of people have there eyes on this foolhardy behavior of our troops on the tamil people,and their rights...this island of buddhism,is now called the 'blood Island"...this is not any of Hilory Clinton's statements...this is what the whole world thinks of us!!!Hilory Clinton is just one person,but there will be soon a day,a day that the whole world will be against us.
If the Sri Lankan government does not take any action against this abrasive truth,this so called peace we are celebrating now will turn against our children being the most devastating disaster of the whole history...and on top of all...leaving thousands of new Prabhakarans to deal with,and the whole world will be there to support them...which will not be easy to contend.
Here we are,Sri Lanakans begging for peace,not only to Sinhales,to all Sri Lankans alive on our motherland.

Nil said...

I understand that this is an old blog, but I wanted to comment on it anyway. I appreciate you recognizing that Sri Lankan Tamils do have grievances in Sri Lanka.
The point I think your missing is that 'terrorism' is not exclusive to rebel groups. State-sponsored terrorism is a very real entity in this world (aka government terrorism). How does an oppressed group fight for their rights against an oppressor who commands a well-armed military, navy, airforce??? When the government commits acts of terror the media isn't there to report it, or the government spins the story to suit their purposes. Terrorism works both ways. But those in power, and the media, try to paint the world as being black and white.
The majority of Singhlese and Tamil people are decent and moderate. This war is a tragedy.

Dudley said...

I have red all these comments Only can leave my opinon, The Tamils who are living out of Sri Lanka and supported trererist to distroy lives,and the country everywhere, must be resposible I will pray them to live where they are because you are not sri lankan and not loved to my Country.

Dudley said...

Iam a sinhalese but some of my family members are tamils.I live in Colombo.My place is near to Wellawatte where we have 90% present tamil population. most of them are buisness men during the time nearly end the war, i saw by time to time the ambulance are running up and down and transport dead body of soldiers.
But the sinhalese people look at that feeling with a great sorrow. But they didnot try to do anything harm to tamils there.So I saw sometimes the tamils from jaffna come to Colombo and they had no any threat from Sinhalese.I kaow there are two race of tamil who loved the country, and
who dreamed Sri Lanka as apart of Tamil Nadu.I ask if anybody wanted to accuse for war crimes first come here and see how the tamils are getting on their lives.