Thursday, January 31, 2008

New WSO2 releases: ESB & WSAS

Last week was a busy release week for us .. we released version 1.6 of the WSO2 Enteprise Service Bus and 2.2 of the WSO2 Web Services Application Server.

New features of ESB 1.6 include:
  • Ability to pin a proxy or a task to server instances
  • Improved error handling in JMS transport
  • New Mail transport that supports POP3/IMAP/SMTP
  • Clustering support for the Cache/Throttle mediators
  • Maintainance mode support for the HTTP transport
  • JMX statistics monitoring and management support
  • New mediator - Callout
  • Improved REST/POX support
  • Annotations support for POJOCommand mediator
  • Ability to edit UI-less mediators in raw XML
Why should you download the WSO2 ESB? Because its the fastest, easiest-to-use, highest performing ESB out there - better than everyone else :). Don't believe me? Try it out and tell us why its not!

New features of WSAS 2.2 include:
  • Improved Data Services support including New & improved UI, and database connection pooling
  • WS-Security 1.1 support
  • Improved clustering support
  • Improved JSR-181 & JAXWS support
  • JMX based monitoring
  • Graceful shutdown & restart of the server
    Serve all pending requests before shutting down or restarting the server
  • Improvements to the Management Console
  • Various bug fixes to Apache Axis2, Apache Rampart & WSAS
Why should you download WSO2 WSAS? First of all, its a really, really, really easy to use version of Axis2 (plus Rampart and more fully integrated). So if you're struggling with configuring Axis2 or playing with security etc., WSAS is the way to go. Same license. Same price.

But probably the killer reason for many is data services: our unique feature for taking data out of a database or spreadsheet or other data source and making it into a service. Zero code. 10 minutes in front of your database and your data is Web accessible- that's right, via the HTTP binding we generate you can browse it directly from your browser. Try it and see; there's nothing else like this out there- it goes across any database and doesn't require any code at all. Compare with expensive proprietary alternatives like BEA Data Services Solution and Oracle TopLink. Our stuff is easier to use, solves the problem directly and simply and costs nothing!

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